The Corredera´s Square in Cordova, a space for society and power in the 16th Century. Contribution of the architect Juan de Ochoa




Corredera's Square, Juan de Ochoa, Urban planning, Humanistic culture, Pared Blanca


In the last decades of the 16th Century, the city of Cordova reached its moment of greatest artistic and cultural boom during the Modern Age. Most of the urban activity of its inhabitants was concentrated around the municipal nucleus, next to the popular Corredera´s Square, which configured its space -later rebuilt in the following century-  thanks to the intervention of important architects, such as Juan de Ochoa, who designed the Jail building and Magistrate´s House and the so-called “Pared Blanca”, used to preside over the main municipal celebrations and events. Through the study of the capitular acts of the Municipal Archive of Cordova it is possible to know the interests of the city government, its zeal for power as representatives of the city, and the patronage of some of its main buildings that marked the development of the institution during the 16th Century.


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How to Cite

Luque Carrillo, J. (2023). The Corredera´s Square in Cordova, a space for society and power in the 16th Century. Contribution of the architect Juan de Ochoa. ARTE Y CIUDAD. Research Journal, (23), 7–22.


