Contemporary Art Practices: New Relationships between Art, Nature and Landscape


  • Sylvia Furegatti



Art, City and Nature, Landscape, Contemporary art practices


This article analyzes a set of contemporary artistic productions circumscribed in the space of extending the limits originally established for the Art-City field by means of the re-signification of the Landscape. These selected works punctuate seminal projects by Joseph Beuys, Jenny Holzer and Nelson Felix, dating from the last decades, in order to locate the elective affinities worked by the author of this text in her recent projects of artistic intervention. They hold in common a singular point of view from the nature as a structuring element of the creative and poetic processes practiced and besides it, the clear intention to dialogue with the encounter between the urban space and the edges of the natural landscape as a locus for the current art.


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How to Cite

Furegatti, S. (2022). Contemporary Art Practices: New Relationships between Art, Nature and Landscape. ARTE Y CIUDAD. Research Journal, (22), 105–122.


