Art, space, place and audiovisual heritage


  • Juana María Balsalobre García



Art, City, Museums, History, Heritage


This work presents a study perspective open to 28 films, in super-8, recorded between 1979 and 1983, from the Aula de Cine, directed by José Ramón Clemente, as a part of the Instituto de Estudios Alicantinos, current IAC Juan Gil-Albert. It is based on a documentary, digital heritage recovery of the originals, thanks to the synergies opened in 2017 by former director José Ferrándiz with the Filmoteca Valenciana that digitized these originals for their conservation. Once these exceptional tapes were recovered, they were included as a part of the agreement with the Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes, and in April 2019 an important part of the IAC Juan Gil-Albert bibliographic, documentary and audiovisual heritage was opened to the world. Started in 2018 with a series of different activities organized within the Art Department at the IAC Juan Gil-Albert as ´Arte audiovisual: Descubre´, focused on a gaze moving from yesterday to today in super-8, where these different views converge the creativity of young scriptwriters and filmmakers with the contributions of archaeologists, writers, artists and art historians. The yesterday of a place in today.


BALSALOBRE GARCÍA, Juana María (2015). Descubre una obra de arte en el Mubag (2005-2015), Alicante, Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

BALSALOBRE, Juana María (2018). “Cátedra de Arte Cinético. Relación de la Diputación de Alicante y Eusebio Sempere”, Canelobre, nº. 69, 2018, pp. 334-349. Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

BONET, Juan Manuel (2010). Alicante moderno 1900-1960, Diputación de Ali-cante, pp. 147-155.

LAGUNA VIZCAÍNO, Luis Ramón (1997). “La difusión de la cultura de la imagen en Alicante”, Canelobre, nº 35-36, pp. 93-102. Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

MAYOR, Rosalía (2004). “Charla con José Ramón Clemente”, revista El Salt, nº 1, pp. 14-19. Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

RODES, Domingo (2018). “Eusebio Sempere: diario de un rodaje. Canelobre, nº. 69, pp. 350-353. Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.

SANTO MATAS, Joaquín (2004). “El hábitat carcelario de Ricardo Fuente”, en ARTE PRESO. Dibujos y acuarelas en el Reformatorio de Adultos de Alicante (1939-1941). La colección de Ricardo Fuente, pp. 7-13. Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert.



How to Cite

Balsalobre García, J. M. (2022). Art, space, place and audiovisual heritage. ARTE Y CIUDAD. Research Journal, (22), 29–56.


